
Sunday 10 December 2017

Russian fleets executing gun exercises according to the Dutch magazine Machineblad dated 1903-1904 no. 5

General Admiral Apraksin as the Japanesw Okinoshima
Pamjat Azova


Dmitr Donskoi

An item referred to the magazine Marine Rundschau reporting that since 16 May the Russian navy would held gun exercises for a period of 4 months in the Baltic Sea. Rear admiral Fölkersahm commanded for that purpose the battleships Imperator Alexander II and Nawarin [Navarin], the armoured coastal defences hips Admiral Uschakoff, General Admiral Uschakoff, General Admiral Apraxin, Admiral Greig, Admiral Lasareff, Perwenetz and Kreml, large cruisers Mini[n] and Pamjat Asowa, gunboat Grosa, torpedo cruiser Wojewoda and 4 large model torpedo boats. Totally were 30 officers, 150 corporal constables, 1.150 commodores and 200 artillery engineers to be trained. In East Asia was the aged armoured cruiser Dmitri Donskoi added as artillery training ship to the squadron there for a period of 6 months. In the Black Sea  were for the artillery training during 4-6 months and then 1st class reserve available the battleship Georgi Pobjadonnosseff [Georgii Pobedonets of the Ekaterina II-class], training ships Beresan, Prut and Dnjästr, gunboat Uraletz, transports Bug en Donetz and 2 torpedo boats available. On the Black Sea Fleet were 30 officers and 510 petty officers and sailors to be trained.